Slow Fashion: The Art of Sustainable and Ethical Fashion
What is Slow Fashion?
Slow fashion is a conscious and ethical response to fast fashion, part of a global movement that advocates manufacturing that respects the environment, animals, and people working in the production chain.
Unlike industrial fashion practices, slow fashion highlights local artisans and the use of sustainable materials, with the aim of preserving crafts and the environment. It aims to offer real added value to both consumers and producers, by opposing overconsumption.
Slow fashion encourages consuming less but better, focusing on quality rather than quantity. This implies less intensive production, carried out in smaller quantities or on pre-order, taking the time necessary to develop each garment with responsible and sustainable materials.
Thus, slow fashion clothes are designed to last over time, sharing many values with eco-responsible fashion. These two terms are often used interchangeably, as they share the goal of creating sustainable and respectful fashion.
One of the common myths surrounding eco-friendly fashion is that it costs more than fast fashion. However, if we add up the cost of fast fashion clothes purchased over a lifetime, often thrown away after few uses due to their poor quality, we realize that this economic model is misleading. On the other hand, slow fashion focuses on sustainable materials that extend the life of clothes.
The price of ethical clothing reflects fair remuneration for artisans, fair production conditions based on authentic know-how, and the choice of high-quality raw materials. Ultimately, investing in slow fashion means choosing pieces that will last, making each purchase a real long-term investment.
To learn more about the Slow Fashion philosophy, we invite you to consult this complete article available on .